Mother/Daughter Dinner 2021

Mother/Daughter Dinner 2021

by Daniella DeMauro

The annual Mother-Daughter Dinner is an opportunity for senior girls to spend some quality time with their mothers and close friends. The event took place in the gym last week. On the day of the dance, many students stayed after school to help set up the gym. Senior boys also attended the dance to help serve food throughout the night.

Because of social distancing mandates, this year there was a check-in table with table cards assigned to each mother/daughter pair – three pairs to a table. Everyone was socially distanced at the tables so people could comfortably take their masks off, and there was the occasional mingling of students and parents with friends at other tables. There was music and a photo booth at the side of the gym with an extremely long line of people eager to take pictures with friends and family. The students and mothers seemed to be enjoying the time they were having with their families – it was a nice break from the busy life of a senior girl!

After everyone was served their food, there were three lovely vocal and guitar performances.  Students Daniella DeMauro, Tabitha DeMauro, Julia Shapiro, Julia Martellucci, and Sam Civil performed “In my Life” by The Beatles, “Blackbird” by The Beatles, and “A Northern Downpour” by Panic At The Disco. Throughout the night, many pictures were taken while people talked, ate, and relaxed with friends and family. Soon after the dessert was served, pairs began to head home after enjoying a wonderful night with their mothers and daughters.

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