by Brianna Tripodi
I think it came as a shock to some people at OHS when we found out the school was actually going through with bringing students back full time. There are less than seven weeks left in the school year, and, as of May 6th, all grades are back full time. The plan of slowly bringing everyone back week by week was a great idea because we could all see if this was going to work after we tested things out with the seniors. That first week was a bit chaotic. Numerous students had to be “scooped” and quarantined because they came into close contact with another student who tested positive for Covid (I was one of those students). During the second week of our return, a lot of students stayed home, not only because they had to quarantine but also because they didn’t want to get quarantined before Sport Night. That second week was strange because the school was almost as empty as it was during the hybrid model.
With our full time return to school, I realized that I really did miss the loud sounds of talking and laughter in the hallways, but I think we are still taking a risk. I had to miss a week of school while I was quarantined, and who is to say that tomorrow I won’t get the same call saying someone in one of my other classes got sick and I have to stay home again? If any of the four people around me in any of my nine classes tests positive for Covid, I may have to quarantine again. Fortunately, I will be fully vaccinated by May 19th but not every other student will be. Who knows what will happen in the next six weeks? Hopefully, no students will have to quarantine for ten days and miss prom or graduation. I know the district had us go back full time with the seniors in mind, but I just hope the full time return doesn’t do more harm than good.
I am cautious but also very excited to see how the rest of the year will play out. We are all learning together and growing together as we navigate our way through, what is hopefully, the end of this pandemic. I am glad to see things start to return to normal – I just hope we don’t encounter too many setbacks.