OHS Spotlight: True Crime Club

OHS Spotlight: True Crime Club

by Sofia Romano

The True Crime Club is a great place to learn about criminal defense, murders, mysteries, and much more. With their amazing advisor, Ms. Caponegro, the club members are constantly brainstorming new fundraising and event ideas. All of the money they raise during fundraisers goes towards fun events the club has planned for later in the year. 

During the meetings, club members discuss a famous crime case (murders, mysteries, unsolved crime, etc.) and see if they can solve it before they get to the end of their presentation. They are given evidence, testimonies, and all the information they need to be able to analyze said case. They solve it, however, by asking various questions, taking notes, coming up with theories, and working together as a group. Once they solve the case, club members have a discussion about things that were clear and unclear, things they found interesting, and the strangeness of the case in general. Along with this, they learn about a specific topic within the criminal justice system. Students use these skills every week as they meet to solve harder, more complex cases. Club members also plan and host various events throughout the year. For example, they are planning a Mock Trial to be held in early January. They also have various outside-of-the-box ideas when it comes to fundraisers, such as their candy-gram sales and bake sales!

After speaking with members of the club, they had nothing but positive things to say! Club member Aleena Zeejah said, ”My favorite part of True Crime Club is being a part of a loving and supporting community of people who share the same interests as me. It’s really fun getting to know other people outside of your normal classroom setting and getting to know your friends on a deeper level than you originally thought.  I would 100% recommend this club to everyone. I think if you have an interest in True Crime, Crime shows, criminal defense, or anything crime related, this is the place for you. I would also recommend this club to anyone because it is guaranteed that you will have a lot of fun no matter who you are.” Aleena said that True Crime Club gives her something to look forward to every week and even when she can’t make it, she is always filled in with any important information they spoke about while she was away. They are always happy to answer any questions and are very welcoming as a whole. 

The True Crime club is always open to welcoming new members and provides a positive and safe environment for students. Club members are always learning new things and hosting fun events to keep involved in the community. The club meets every Tuesday in room S231 directly after school. Meeting usually run until about 3:30 p.m. If there are any questions, please email Ms.Caponegro at zcaponegro@oceansideschools.org. We can’t wait to see you there! 
