The Art of Resolutions

The Art of Resolutions

by Sabrina Henriquez

Have you set goals for yourself for the New Year? 2024 has just begun, but, undoubtedly, plenty of people set resolutions in 2023 that were abandoned due to a loss of motivation. Despite the fact that many people make resolutions to save money, improve their overall health, or learn a new skill, resolutions should vary between short and long-term goals. Resolutions should also be specific, and they should be realistic in order to achieve them. 

Since most people are unable to fix unhealthy habits within the first week of January, New Year’s resolutions must vary between both short and long-term goals in order for people to have a better chance of achieving them. To better yourself, it takes time — weeks and even months. I recommend that everyone should establish weekly goals for themselves that gradually increase in intensity throughout the course of the year. For example, the first week may consist of waking up earlier, visualizing a morning routine, or going to bed earlier. Short-term goals allow you to stay focused and motivated because you will see the results sooner. On the other hand, long-term goals may increase the level of procrastination and may require adjustments due to other circumstances. However, it may be beneficial to break down the long-term goal into smaller goals to boost your confidence and lay the foundation for long-term goals.

Another important way to improve your resolutions for the new year is to make them specific. All resolutions should be specific and clear. Specific resolutions provide a sense of direction and guidance. They improve your ability to focus on a specific task. For instance, an example of a non-specific resolution is “I will study more”. That resolution lacks specific criteria for success and is therefore more difficult to measure. A better resolution is, “I will improve my studying habits by taking one hour a day to go to the library and do my work.” This is a clearer resolution and will make you more motivated.

Lastly, your resolutions should certainly be achievable. This may require a more visual experience before making decisions, but people who efficiently plan and think about their resolutions for the new year have a much better chance of achieving them. To reach your resolutions, you need to commit to them, use reminders, be flexible, and keep track of your progress. All of these are major components that will contribute to your overall resolutions.  

In order to achieve your desired resolutions for the new year, you must make them both long-term and short-term goals. In addition, they should be specific and realistic. Those are the three elements that make a resolution possible to achieve and, in turn, make your new year successful. 
